Berlin Warschauer Straße - Berlin Warsaw Street station is as beautiful as Warsaw itself. Even Yoko said 'Man, this feels like Poland' when we were hanging around
in that area.
This is a bit of the famous Berlin Wall, which used to divide the city into Allied (Western) and Soviet zones, after Germany was split into Federal Republic of Germany
and German Democratic Republic following the end of WW2.
As the Soviet Union crumbled under its own weight towards the end of 1980s, and the neighbouring countries were able release themselves
from the communist grip, nothing could stop East Germans from taking down the wall, which they did. Only bits remain, here and there,
for remembrance.
The comment on the wall refers to the West Bank barrier that I showed you in my West Bank 2011 gallery.
The Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church was damaged in WW2, now it has a modern and old part. This is the new part.
The old one is much more cool, but currently hidden behind scaffoldings.