The Pergola and Hill Garden 2011 Photography - M1key - Michal Huniewicz
It was a cold and rainy day, like almost every London day in fact, so I went to the Hampstead Heath park
to take some pictures. I decided to try black and white with high ISO. I found what is called the Pergola
and Hill Garden.
It was created in early 20th century using soil from the Nothern Line works. First, a home to lords, then
a hospital, eventually open to public in 1960s.
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden.
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden.
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden.
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden.
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden.
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden.
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden.
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden
The Pergola and Hill Garden.